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Anonymous Quiz
Line is busy
No one answers
Call me please
والعكس منها ( سـهـل ) ؟
Anonymous Quiz
A piece of cake
كل الاختيارات صحيحة
🔴في المستشفى
انت في المستشفى وتبغى تشوف الطبيب تقول/
May I see the doctor, please.
هل لي بمقابلة الطبيب؟

أما لو كان عندك موعد مع الطبيب تقول/عندي موعد معا الطبيب
I have an appointment with the doctor.

تبي تقول للطبيب /اسناني ( توجعني)
I have a toothache.

تبي تقول /عندي صداع
I have a headache.

إذا تبي تسأل / كيف اروح للصيدلية؟
How do I go to the Pharmacy?

اذا انت رايح تزور مريض تبي تسأل /
انا ابحث عن مريض اسمه....
I am looking for a patient whose name is....

لو بغيت تسوي موعد مع الطبيب تقول/
هل لي بحجز موعد مع الطبيب فهد؟
May I make an appointment with Dr. Fahad?

لو عطاك موعد بس ما يناسبك تبي تقول/ يمكن أكون مشغول يوم السبت ، هل ممكن يكون الموعد يوم الاثين؟
I might be busy on Saturday, is it possible to make it for Monday?

اذا تبي تقول للطبيب / ظهري يؤلمني
I have a backache.

اذا تبي تقول/حرارتي مرتفعة.
I have a fever.

اذا تعاني من التهاب في الحنجرة
I have a sore throat.

اذا تبي تخبر الطبيب انك ما نمت البارحة مانمت البارحة
I could not sleep last night.

لو انت تبي إجازة مرضية🤓
تقول /
would you kindly get me a sick leave?
ممكن تعطيني إجازة مرضية؟

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قل_لاتقل 🗣Say,Don't say

common_mistakes with unstable propositions

ثالثا: اخطاء شائعة مع اضافة حرف جر غير مناسب

♝Die of an illness, not from an illness.
☜يموت نتيجة
Don't say: Many people have died from malaria.
Say: Many people have died of malaria.

♝Congratulate on, not for.
☜يهنئ ويبارك
Don't say: I congratulate you for your success.
Say: I congratulate you on your success.

♝Different from, not than.
☜يختلف عن
Don't say: My book is different than yours.
Say: My book is different from yours.

♝Consist of, not from.
☜يتكون من ، يحتوى على
Don't say: A year consists from twelve months.
Say: A year consists of twelve months.

♝Covered with, not by.
☜مغطى يواسطة
Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow.
Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.

♝Disappointed by, about or at, not from.
(a) by/at/about:

Don't say: Phillipa was disappointed from the low mark she got in the test.
Say: Phillipa was disappointed by/about/at the low mark she got in the test.

(b) with/in:

Don't say: Jane was disappointed from her son.
Say: Jane was disappointed with/in her son.

♝Depend on or upon, not from.
☜ يعتمد على
Don't say: It depends from her.
Say: It depends on (or upon) her.

♝Divide into parts, not in parts.
☜ يقسم الى او يقطع
Don't say: I divided the cake in four parts.
Say: I divided the cake into four parts.

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📝مصطلحات انجليزية

Charity begins at home.
الأقرب أولى بالمعروف.

Let bygones by bygones.
عفا الله عما سلف

Prevention is better than cure.
الوقاية خير من العلاج.
To add insult to injury.
or أو
To add fuel to the fire.
يزيد الطين بله.
يصب الزيت على النار

What are you driving at?
وش تلمح له؟
هات الزبدة.(خش في الموضوع)

I am in the driving seat now.
انأ الأمر والناهي الآن.
انا أصبحت المدير 💪🏻

We are all in the same boat.
كلنا نمر بنفس الظروف.

Between me and you.
بيني وبينك.

He always treats us to dinner.
هو دائما يدعونا للعشاء.
(يباشر علينا)

It is like talking to a brick wall.
كأنك تتكلم مع جدار.
رأسه يابس (عنيد)

Get it off your chest.
قل اللي ب صدرك

I have got a memory like a sieve.
انا دائما انسى.
(الذاكرة عندي دماااار)

He eats like a horse.
هو يأكل كثير مره.
(يبلع بلع).

Third time lucky.
الثالثة ثابته.

I am having second thoughts.
انأ عندي رأي ثاني.

I have got my hands full.
انأ مشغوووول مرة

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She dictates ______ I type.
Anonymous Quiz
 A: while
 B: for
 C: during
 D: or
A: Are _______ the cupboards empty?

B: No, Only the one on the left is empty. There are plates inside the other one. A
Anonymous Quiz
all of
both of
She has got lots of books in her bookcase, and she has read _______ them.
Anonymous Quiz
all of
both of
Kyle has tried many shoes on for the last two hours, but _______ of them fit him.
Anonymous Quiz
📚VERB Collocations📚
📚الافعال المركبة 📚

🔴VERB + NOUN Collocation Examples

🔵Collocations with SAVE

♦️Save electricity .. يوفر كهرباء

🔘Turn off the light when you leave a room to save electricity.

♦️Save energy .. يوفر طاقة

🔘What are ways that we can save energy?

♦️Save lives .. ينقذ أرواح

🔘Spotting the disease early can save lives.

♦️Save money .. يوفر أموال

🔘We stayed in a cheapo hotel to save money.

♦️Save one’s strength .. يحافظ على قوته

🔘You’re sick so save your strength, and don’t try to do anything.

♦️Save someone a seat .. يحجز لأحدهم مقعد

🔘I will be late to the movie. Will you save me a seat?

♦️Save someone’s life .. ينقذ حياة أحدهم

🔘Wearing a seat belt in a car can save your life.

♦️Save something .. يوفر شيء

🔘It’s just a wonderful feeling to save something.

♦️Save space .. يوفر مساحة

🔘She saved some space in her suitcase for souvenirs.

♦️Save time .. يوفر وقت

🔘It’ll save time if we go by cab.

♦️Save yourself the trouble .. يوفر على نفسه التعب

🔘You should save yourself the trouble.

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📚VERB Collocations📚

🔴VERB + NOUN Collocation Examples

🔵Collocations with MAKE

🔶Make peace .. يتسامح

🔷Stop fighting you two – shake hands and make peace!

🔶Make plans .. يضع خطط

🔷We’re making plans to travel to Australia next year.

🔶Make progress .. يحرز تقدُّم

🔷We will just be looking to make progress from last year.

🔶Make an effort .. يبذل جهد

🔷We need to make an effort to do well in this competition.

🔶Make room .. يزيد مساحة

🔷I had taken a big painting off the wall to make room.

🔶Make sense .. يقوم بفهم

🔷They tried to make sense of her mumblings.

🔶Make someone angry/ mad/ happy/ sad .. يسبب الغضب/السعادة/ الحزن

🔷You should not make your mother angry.

🔶Make something easy .. يسهِّل الأمر

🔷He didn’t make it easy for me to leave.

🔶Make sure .. يتأكد

🔷Can you make sure we have enough copies of the report for everybody at the meeting?

🔶Make the bed .. يرتِّب السرير

🔷I make the bed in my bedroom everyday.

🔶Make time .. يخصص وقت

🔷It’s important to make time to read to your children.

🔶Make tracks .. يسرع

🔷It’s getting late, Jim – I think we should make tracks.

🔶Make trouble .. يسبب متاعب

🔷He could make trouble for me if he wanted to.

🔶Make up your mind .. رتِّب أفكارك و قرر

🔷It’s now or never, so make up your mind.

🔶Make war .. يشن حرب

🔷If you make war on me, I must make war in return.

🔶Make your bed .. رتِّب سريرك

🔷You should make your bed every morning.

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فائدة على السريع

🔻لاتقل: هذا هو اسم الكتاب ✖️
🔹قل: هذا هو عنوان الكتاب ✔️

الأسماء تكون للأشخاص والأماكن والأحداث.
العناوين للكتب والأفلام والمسرحيات والأغاني.

🔻Don't say: Name of the book.
🔹Say: Title of the book.

👉Names of people, places and events.
👉Titles of books, movies, plays and songs

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2024/09/22 14:56:07
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