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I’ve met people yang;

Dari berniqab tutup litup, sekarang dah pakai tudung atas dada .

Dari seorang yang tahu couple tu haram, sekarang dah buat buat tak tahu and ada boyfriend/girlfriend dah .

Dari yang jaga batas dengan bukan mahram, sekarang dah ambik gambar rapat gila siap pegang2 lagi .

Aku bukan judge tapi aku nak bagitahu kat sini yang.,
Berubah tu mudah, istiqomah yang payah .

Pandai pandai lah survive tau :)
Jaga diriii❤️

kdang bila kita tak oke,
bila kita dah tak boleh go,
bila something tu susah,

it’s okay to let someone know,
it’s okay to let someone hear your cry,
see your tears :)

sbb kalau smpan sdiri pun,
it won’t benefit you,
share selagi boleh share .

life is not about ‘alone’,
it’s about ‘together’,

together getting thru tough things,
and together celebrating good things . ❤️

saje pesan hshsshs
stay strong, okyh ? 😊🌸
Hye, long time no see! 🥰
dah 3 tahun; terima kasih untuk yang masih stay . ❤️
I don’t know if others are like this but,
I think,
2020 is just full of pain,
of scars,
mentally and emotionally,
full of wounds,
that not yet heal.

It’s full of memories,
and abandoned promises,
which been forgotten is better,
yet it keeps ghosting,
and won’t leaving.

to you who’s reading this;
may this December,
be the first step for you,
of leading a new life for 2021.

It might take much time,
but as long as it’s healing,
it’s okay,
just keep going,
just keep on stepping.

I pray the best for you,
May Allah ease everythings,

Be happy!

Hilang dia tiada berita,
ataupun cerita,
tanpa sebarang kata,
dia hilang begitu saja .

Tiap hari,
kepulangannya dinanti,
kehadirannya ditunggu,
ingin disambut penuh rindu .

ingin sekali aku katakan;
terima kasih untuk segala kekuatan,
segala cinta yang kau salurkan,
segala kasih yang kau berikan,
terima kasih untuk selalu ada,
di setiap duka dan juga tawa,
di setiap luka serta tangis senja .

terima kasih;
selalu tersenyum bahagia,
saat hati kamu terluka,
selalu tertawa gembira,
walau sakit melanda jiwa .

buat kamu;
gadis yang hilang,
aku mahu kamu tahu;
yang aku selalu rindu .
pada kuat kamu,
senyum kamu,
tawa bahagia kamu,
ya, aku rindu .

cepat pulang kembali,
dan sama sama;
kita kuatkan diri lagi .

ya ?


buat diri yang entah ke mana pergi,
nanti; apabila sudah kembali,
selamat pulang lagi .
you may hurt, but at least you learnt how life works .
you know in life, kau rasa jahat mcm mana pun diri kau, never leave these 3 things;

Solat, Al Quran and Selawat

May Allah protect you always, aamiin 🌷

I know that sometimes,
you’re afraid of loosing someone,

you hold onto them,
and won’t let them go,
you’d rather be hurt,
then loosing that person .

you know what dear;
loosing people,
forgetting people,
walking away from people,
that’s how life works .

don’t be afraid of loosing,
cause you won’t lose people,
who’s written to be with you .

let all those people go,
don’t hang onto them,
when they stay,
they’re yours,
they’re your people .

don’t hurt yourselves,
just to make people stay,
cause they will stay,
when they want to stay.,
and they will leave,
when they want to leave.,

it’s their choice,
let them choose it .

and just know that;
the best will always stay,
you always have your people,
with you .

so be happy!
and focus to love,
and appreciate yourselves,
more than anyone .

Okyh ? 🌸

p/s; sorry lama hilang ehehee
Cattleya’s Diary 🌸 pinned «“When lovers are not be able to meet, the best thing to send is a book or a letter. The lover reads that letter over and over. That is what the Quran is, a book, a letter from Allah, from the Beloved to you.. and because you love Allah, you read it over…»
Hye, I’ve chose to spread love again . So feel free to pm me here @thlvndr if you want to feel some love **nti aye bagi link okyh tu je bai
2024/06/18 01:23:48
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