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"Rainbow Body: A History of the Western Chakra System from Blavatsky to Brennan" by Kurt Leland
"If you've ever had questions about the inconsistencies between chakra systems or wondered where the names, colors, locations, and other associations came from--you'll find the answers here, along with 24 tables and 28 black-and-white illustrations showing how the Western chakra system developed from the mid-19th through the 20th century, many from rare and forgotten sources.

Based on the teachings of Indian Tantra, the chakras have been used for centuries as focal points for healing, meditation, and achieving a gamut of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, from improved health to ultimate enlightenment. Contemporary yoga teachers, energy healers, psychics, and self-help devotees think of the chakra system as thousands of years old. Yet the most common version in use in the West today came together as recently as 1977.

Never before has the story been told of how the Western chakra system developed from its roots in Indian Tantra, through Blavatsky to Leadbeater, Steiner to Alice Bailey, Jung to Joseph Campbell, Ramakrishna to Aurobindo, and Esalen to Shirley MacLaine and Barbara Brennan."

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"Reprogram Your Subconscious: How to Use Hypnosis to Get What You Really Want" by Gale Glassner Twersky
"Open the door to your subconscious mind, your Silent, Invisible Partner that is responsible for how you think, feel and behave. You'll discover how to reprogram your subconscious mindsets, beliefs and behaviors so you can get what you really want in every facet of your life. Learn about Gale's specialty Reprogramming Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis to keep your subconscious supporting your desires. Enjoy unique perspectives, dozens of instructive case studies, a wealth of information, easy to use applications, abundant original scripts plus a 50 page Journal with Affirmations. Beginners, as well as the experienced and/or professionally trained in hypnosis, will realize life-altering benefits from this book.

You will learn to:
Connect to your "Suggestible Subconscious" for reprogramming purposes
Speak the words that your subconscious understands and will enact for you
Delete "Faulty Subconscious Programs" replacing them with beneficial ones
Fortify strong High Self-esteem so you consistently believe in yourself and in your success
Release negative emotions that could be hazardous to your well-being and then download positive emotions for happiness
Maintain your consistent peace of mind with feelings of harmony and balance
Forgive yourself and others subconsciously so your forgiveness is complete
Access your intuitive wisdom for well-being
Identify and articulate your spiritual views that will help anchor and guide you
Sustain a positive, optimistic attitude that daily brings you happiness.....Plus much, much more!"

Eight Extraordinary Channels - Qi Jing Ba Mai: A Handbook for Clinical Practice and Nei Dan Inner Meditation
The Eight Extraordinary channels are amongst the most interesting and clinically important aspects of Chinese medicine and Qi Gong. This book introduces the theory behind the channels, explains their clinical applications, and explores their psycho-emotional and spiritual qualities. The author also describes how to cultivate the channels through Nei Dan Inner Meditation.
As a practitioner of Chinese medicine or acupuncture, the key to creating effective individual treatment plans is having a wide understanding of channel theory, and a comprehensive knowledge of the pathways and the points on the channels. David Twicken provides treatment strategies, methods and case studies, offering a variety of approaches so as to give the reader a solid foundation from which to confidently create customized treatment plans for each patient.
Offering a historical perspective as well as modern insights, this book will be essential reading for novice as well as experienced practitioners.
[-135321236_6357: 2019-03-19 18:54:00]

"The Essence of Tao" by Alex Anatole
"Taoism is codified in the Tao Te Ching, which was written in the sixth century B.C. by the ancient sage Lao Tzu. Despite being history's second-most translated book after the Bible, its eighty-one poems have often been interpreted with confusing, contradictory, and sometimes blatantly incorrect explanations. The Essence of Tao removes the mystery surrounding this important philosophy and religion by reordering the core poems of the Tao Te Ching into a logical framework based on Taoism's nine core principles and then explaining these principles in easy-to-understand language. Grand Master Anatole uses ancient and formerly "secret keys" to help unlock Lao Tzu's mysteries, including Taoism's famous paradoxes. The Essence of Tao will help the reader get a clear view of reality in order to create a content existence."

Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist visceral manipulation body-work and massage which emphasizes moving chi energy to the abdominal organs. Developed by Taoist Master Mantak Chia as part of his Healing Tao System, it works on internal dysfunctions and energy blocks using the breathing exercises of chi-kung, therapeutic manipulations, and meditation. Students learn how to recycle negative energy, recognize personal patterns of tension, and use simple manipulations to restore vitality to parts of the body.

Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Kundalini Tantra is Swami Satyananda Saraswati’s seminal work on kundalini, chakras and kriya yoga. Defining and explaining kundalini, this book provides a detailed account of kundalini awakening, including the signs and effects of such experiences and ways to both elicit and manage them.
The book contains a comprehensive description of each chakra and the significance of the chakras in tantric and yogic practice. Techniques are given to balance each centre for greater harmony in mind, body and spirit, and in preparation for the rising of kundalini shakti. The 20 kriyas and their preparatory practices are fully elucidated.
Includes colour plates, diagrams and charts.

The Six Lamps, translated by Jean-Luc Achard

The Instructions on the Six Lamps is a profound and important work from the Bön Dzogchen tradition and is one of the root texts of the  Zhangzhung Nyengyü (Oral Transmission of Zhangzhung) series of orally transmitted teachings. Considered to be the central work of the inner cycle of these teachings, it expertly details the principles of the natural state and its visionary marvels. The root text describes highly secret precepts of Dzogchen (Great Perfection) practice—the teachings of Trekchö and Thögel—as revealed by Tapihritsa to Gyerpung Nangzher Löpo. The teachings in this text represent oral instructions transmitted by a single master to a single disciple in the mode known as “single transmission.” It is through such a practice that one can see the clear light of one’s own mind before achieving complete buddhahood. In this respect, the text contains a complete teaching of Dzogchen, from beginning to end.

Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom by Paul Foster Case

A Home-Study Course on the Tree of Life & the Central Secrets of Qabalah.

The Hebrew word Qabalah means both to "receive" and to "reveal.” In this essential reading for students of the Western esoteric tradition, you will learn how the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, which are central to Qabalah, help to reveal your consciousness to be ready to receive the answers to questions related to God, the Universe, Humanity, and your Purpose and Place within all.

On the Tree of Life, the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom link the 10 sefirot with 22 further channels of energy that correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

By meditating on the sephiroth you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and the sacred Laws of Life.

A valuable study of the relationship between the Divine and the Human, which will give you the confidence to learn and live as a practical Qabalist. All those interested in the Western Mysteries, Occultism, and Magical Studies will ben...

The first book to cover Krishna’s entire life, from his childhood pranks to his final powerful acts in the Mahabharata war

• Draws from the Bhagavad Purana, the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabharata, and India’s sacred oral tradition
• Shows how the stories of Krishna’s life are expressed with such simplicity and humor that they enable anyone--man, woman, or child--to see the wisdom of his teachings
• Provides a valuable meditative tool that allows the lessons of these stories to illuminate from within

Krishna, one of the most beloved characters of the Hindu pantheon, has been portrayed in many lights: a god-child, a prankster, a model lover, a divine hero, an exemplary ruler, and the Supreme Being. In The Complete Life of Krishna, Vanamali, a leading Krishna expert from a long line of prominent Krishna devotees, provides the first book in English or Sanskrit to cover the complete range of the avatar’s life.

The Gnostic Circle by Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet

In ancient times the zodiac - astrology’s basic alphabet - conveyed a body of higher knowledge, hence it formed part of the sacred sciences, not only in India but in all the Mystery Schools of the ancient world.

For millennia wisemen of all traditions have searched for a key of knowledge which would unlock the mysteries of the universe. The Alchemists called this universal key, ‘the Philosopher’s Stone’ and revealed that it was based upon the structure and harmonies of the Cosmos. This legendary ‘stone’ or Lapis Philosophorum was believed to be a magical object having the power to change base metals into gold, but, in a deeper sense, it symbolized the final goal of the initiation process which was the attainment of the highest wisdom. Possession of the ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ was the coveted condition resulting from the realization of ‘Gnosis’, an enlightened state in which one knows with a certainty that one knows and sees with an understanding which can be...

In this book Osho has analyzed in detail some of the questions asked by Bodhidharma's disciples and his answers as put down by the same people. In his book, Osho shows you how to live spontaneously with no past and no future, since by living in the present you'll experience living in the infinity.
From Page 342:

Drop mind and you'll drop time. Drop choices (duality). Don't choose, to not to be imprisoned. Choice makes you dull.

When a person speaks, you can see in the breath etheric, astral, and mental elements.

Science has not yet researched the human breath. In coming decades, an electronic analyzer will be built to analyze the human breath and identify the etheric, astral, and mental pollutions spreading not only into the aura of the person but also into Space. Thus, we are told, we spread subtle diseases through our breath, or we radiate healing currents through our breaths and words or through speech.

—Torkom Saraydarian

Digital Rare Book:
The Impossible Question by
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Published in 1972

"The Impossible Question" by Jiddu Krishnamurti, published in 1972, challenges readers to delve into profound inquiries about life, consciousness, and existence. Krishnamurt's insightful exploration of the complexities of the human mind and society captivates with its depth and lucidity. Through thought-provoking dialogues and reflections, he prompts readers to question their beliefs, perceptions, and the very nature of reality. This timeless philosophical work offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and introspection, inviting readers to confront the complexities of existence with an open mind. Krishnamurti's wisdom and clarity make this book a compelling read for those seeking profound philosophical insights.

2024/06/16 21:36:37
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