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I wish my home was close to the beach so whenever I feel sad I go out for a walk.
when you feel tired, go to see sea waves
Forwarded from 𓆩 R31 𓆪
And I hope that someday, I'II look at the sky with happy eyes..
When I'm finally fine, not sad, hurt, or lost..
When the day is filled with peace, quietness, and good moments..
When I find my right place in this world..
just hope that one day, l'il live the life of my dreams.
Forwarded from 𓆩 R31 𓆪
سلمت أمري للذي لا يغفل، ولا ينام، ولا يكسر بخاطري ولن يردني خائبا.
I don't trust words, I trust actions. People can tell you anything but actions tell you everything.
Forwarded from B R O K E N . S O U L S (..)
اللهم أَرنا في بني صهيون آياتٍ أَشد وأَعظَم مِما نزل فِي آبائهم الاولِين..
We're all trying to heal from something that no one knows about.
And if you are tired of the details of reality, live a fantasy that makes you happy.
Someone graduated at 21 but waited 6 years to get a good job.

Someone had no education but became a millionaire.

Someone married at 20 but divorced 3 years later.

Someone got married at 30 but found everlasting love of their lives.

You’re not early. You’re not late. You’re just on time.
When you have a good heart, you don't lose people, people lose you.
communication is good, but understanding is everything.
Don't promise if you can't keep it.
Do not try to change anyone, look for souls that are similar to you from the beginning.
‏﴿ لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا مَا آتَاهَا ۚسَيَجْعَلُ اللَّهُ بَعْدَ عُسْرٍ يُسْرًا ﴾
Some dreams must be sacrificed to become capable of getting the big ones
do it scared, do it tired, do it sad, do it alone. just do it. everything will be worth it
I know what it means to stop, with heavy steps on one's feet.
Nobody knows how it's gonna end , so keep living it
It hurts when you act like nothing happened.
I'm still healing from things i dont tell anyone about..
2024/06/13 02:41:07
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