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Fauci lied.
People died.
The CDC lied.
People died.
The FDA lied.
People died.
The experts lied.
People died.
The COVID vaccines never created herd immunity nor stopped transmission.

Our health officials lied to us.
BREAKING: New emails show COVID vaccine mandates were based on a lie

Emails obtained through a FOIA request show CDC Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH Director Francis Collins were aware of, “breakthrough cases” of COVID in January 2021.
Healthcare providers are in bed with the same people and companies responsible for COVID, the jabs, and the mandates.

Don’t trust these people and companies with your health any longer.
Too many doctors betrayed their patients during COVID.

Stop playing with lives.
When government gets too big, we fear the consequences.

When pharmaceutical companies get too big, we keep filling their pockets.

This has to change.
‘The booster jab I received over year ago destroyed my health, my body and my life completely’ - Slovakian actress Katarina Pavelek

Pavelek died from assisted suicide this week.

This is what we’ve been warning against.
COVID was an excuse for powerful people to censor the unpopular opinions of the less powerful.
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Natural sunscreen?

Yes. Listen to Dr. Schmidt’s thoughts:
They locked us in our homes for weeks.
They gave us an untested vaccine.
They silenced anyone who dissented.

Don’t just move on and forget what happened to all of us.
When is the mainstream media going to apologize to the people for misleading them on the efficacy of the COVID jab?

They won’t.

Turn them off.
The COVID disinformation spread by our public health officials wasn’t just a damaging lie.

It was utter betrayal.
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Have you heard about bee pollen supplements?

God’s perfect multivitamin contains enzymes, protein, and many other added benefits.

You won’t hear this from Big Pharma.
The COVID-19 “vaccine” is not what health officials purported it to be.

It is not as safe as they said.
It is not as effective as they said.

They have known the truth since the beginning.
You can play politics, but you can’t play with people’s health.

That’s where we draw the line.

Who else agrees?
“As an oncologist, I ask how and why,” Makis wrote. “Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine spike protein localizes to the testes, according to the Japanese Pfizer Organ bio-distribution study done with rats. But at 48hr, the ovaries get 40x more LNP-mRNA than testes.”

This is horrific if true.
“Though they are unsure of what is causing a dangerous rise in excess deaths, British media and “medical experts” have conclusively ruled out COVID-19 vaccines as a possible cause.”

Of course they did.
2024/06/17 15:05:22
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