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«Si hay un denominador común a las tres teorías políticas prevalentes en el mundo, especialmente en el mundo occidental, ese es el materialismo. Según la caracterización del filósofo ruso Aleksandr Duguin, las tres teoría políticas prevalentes de la Modernidad occidental fueron, en este orden, 1) el liberalismo [1TP], 2) el socialismo-comunismo [2TP] y 3) el fascismo y nacionalsocialismo [3TP]. Todas las tres se ven penetradas por una metafísica enteca y brutal, cual es la concepción filosófica materialista. Esto ha de verse así incluso en contra de las propias declaraciones que teoría política ofrece de sí misma, la cual suele servir a propósitos muy distintos a lo que una verdadera filosofía obedece: el propósito de mostrar la verdad. La propaganda y la polémica contra teorías políticas rivales son factores que están en la raíz de que las teorías políticas no se presenten como realmente son, y es preciso, dialécticamente, comprender a las anteriores desde una teoría política nueva que comprenda y supere a esas anteriores. Cada teoría política surgida a la altura de su tiempo entraña el compromiso de comprender ese mismo tiempo y, a la vez, de manera inherente, superar a las anteriores que, de un mundo u otro, pretenden conservar vigencia e influencia.

La Cuarta Teoría Política de A. Dugin [4TP] no sólo es posterior cronológicamente, como ocurre al afirmar que la tarde sigue a la mañana, o el otoño a la primavera. La 4TP debe ser –y de hecho es- una superación del materialismo como denominador común al liberalismo, al socialismo-comunismo y al nazifascismo» Por — ✍️Carlos X. Blanco
Atte. 𝕯𝖊𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖊 𝕰𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖔𝖘 𝖊𝖓 𝕱𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖔𝖋𝖎‌𝖆, 𝕯𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖔 𝖞 𝕰𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖒𝖎‌𝖆 𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖎‌𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖆 🏛⚖️📈
𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 𝒅𝒆 𝑬𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒔 𝑪𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒔 🇵🇪
Forwarded from Evrazia
"Les origines de la crise actuelle de manque de spiritualité et du déclin de l'Europe se trouvent dans la dictature libérale qui s'est établie et a conduit à la conclusion logique de l'Europe."

— Daria Douguina
Sport has pre-Christian origins and belongs to ancient Greek culture. Along with theater, philosophy and the systems of polis management, sport and especially the Olympic Games was one of the characteristic features of the Greek civilization. It was there that it received its greatest development and the form in which it is known to us today.

✍️ Alexander Dugin
The Phenomenon Of War: Metaphysics, Ontology, Boundaries

(The talk given at the Russian Student Club, submitted to the Collection by A. G. Dugin)

We will not be able to understand the full depth of the current confrontation without philosophical reflection. Philosophers have always interpreted war as something necessary. Heraclitus speaks of war as the "father of things": πόλεμος πάντων μεν πατήρ εστί, πάντων δε βασιλεύς. War has always constituted the world and space. Without war, without division, the world is impossible. That is to say, in a certain sense, war has been interpreted as a cosmological act. There is a certain romanticization of war in Thucydides and Socrates, who were theorists of war. At the same time, there is a very interesting division that we need to make today in order to analyze the conflict with Ukraine. It is not that war is always good or always bad, but there are good wars and there are bad wars. Good wars are wars with an external enemy. They are not condemned by Thucydides, Socrates, or Xenophon. And there are internecine wars. These are usually viewed negatively. In Plato’s Laws, the Greek term πόλεμος is used (as in Heraclitus) to denote an external war, as opposed to an internal war — discord, vεtκος (as in Empedocles).

— "War Is The Father Of All Things"
— Ukraine: External Or Internal?
— A Just War
— Plato ‘S Chariot Empire
— Russian Ereignis
— Russian Identity And The "Big Space"
— To Build A Russian Future

✍️ Daria Dugina


☀️ In memory of Daria Dugina
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Forwarded from Nuestra América
La reconstrucción nacional
Por Aleksandr Duguin

Ahora debe comenzar el proceso más importante: poner al país en pie de guerra, a través de la reestructuración fundamental de la gestión pública. Por supuesto, el control sigue siendo manual, pero ahora más que nunca es importante que haya algo que manejar prudentemente y que el mecanismo para ello funcione bien y sea eficiente.

Si el volante y el pedal del acelerador no están conectados a nada o no están conectados a nada, entonces no importa cuánto gire o presione, será de poca utilidad. A Putin realmente no le gusta castigar; por eso es que castiga ni siquiera los fracasos más fantasmagóricos.

Pero ahora es simplemente inevitable. La guerra no es solo una continuación de la política. La guerra es más que política y, por tanto, inevitablemente subordina la política (por no hablar también de la economía) a sí misma.

Editorial de Nuestra América.

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🇳🇵 हामीले पश्चिमलाई गुमाएका छौं तर हामीले ‘बाँकी' विश्व खोज गरेका छौं: दुगिन

रूसी राजनीतिक दार्शनिक र विश्लेषक अलेक्जेन्डर दुगिन जसलाई केही पश्चिमी मिडियाले पुटिनको मस्तिष्क भन्छन् । उनी रूसमा सबैभन्दा विवादास्पद विद्वानहरूमध्ये एक हुन् । हाल उनी चीनको सोशल मिडिया प्लेटफर्महरू जस्तै सिना वेइबो र बिलिबिलीमा चिनियाँ वेब प्रयोगकर्ताहरू र विद्वानहरूसँग धेरै र गहिरो संचारको खोजीमा सामेल भएका छन्।

रुसी राष्ट्रपति भ्लादिमिर पुटिनको चीनको राजकीय भ्रमणको घोषणा गर्नुअघि ग्लोबल टाइम्स (जीटी) का संवाददाता याङ सेङले मस्कोमा दुगिनसँग एक विशेष अन्तर्वार्ता लिएका थिए । जुन अन्तर्वार्तामा उनले चीन–रुस सम्बन्धका बारेमा आफ्ना विचारहरू साझा गरेका थिए।

संक्षिप्तता र स्पष्टताका लागि केही प्रश्न र उत्तरहरू सम्पादन गरिएका छन्।

#ne @fourthpoliticaltheory
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The verdict for Trump is pure invitation to civil war in US. No more any law, no more any equity, no more fair play, no more any justice. The dictatorship as it is. Logical end of all this will be total disorder or … nuclear war. We are as close to it as never were before.

— Alexander Dugin
Forwarded from Idee&Azione

Ecco il nuovo Corso di Alta Formazione in Geopolitica della Grande Africa!
Dopo il successo dei corsi di Geopolitica del Mondo Multipolare (unico al mondo, nuova edizione fra pochi mesi), Geopolitica del Lontano Oriente, Studi Mediorientali, Dottrina e Geopolitica dell'Eurasiatismo, ecco il corso dedicato alla comprensione del "Nuovo Heartland".


Il corso intende fornire una preparazione in materia di geopolitica della macro-regione del continente africano, secondo l’approccio e lo sviluppo in chiave multipolare. Tramite l’integrazione multidisciplinare di più conoscenze, gli studenti verranno forniti di uno strumento per comprendere la geopolitica dell’area individuata e svolgere un ragionamento critico degli eventi, nonché proiezioni e analisi.

Chiunque può partecipare, non è necessario possedere già una laurea, viene rilasciato il titolo accademico di Alta Formazione al termine. Si svolgerà comodamente online, per un totale di 48 ore di lezioni, con ospiti internazionali.

Per info & iscrizioni
Francesca Ferrazza
Tel: 0437 851 355
[email protected]

Forwarded from PRAV Publishing
Forwarded from Jackson Hinkle
🚨🇺🇸🇷🇺 This week, I’m honored to be traveling to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. I will be speaking in three panels at the forum with the following distinguished guests:

1. The Panel on Philosophy & Geopolitics of a Multipolar World will be hosted by Professor Alexander Dugin on June 6th at 17:00 MSK, and I’ll be speaking alongside Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Xi Jinping Advisor Professor Zhang Weiwei, Nelson Mandela’s Grandson Zwelivelile Mandlesizwe Dalibhunga Mandela, Konstantin Malofeev, Larry Johnson & Pepe Escobar.

2. At the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation I will be speaking at the panel on The New Media of a Multipolar World on June 8th at 10:00AM MSK. I will be joined alongside media leaders & CEO’s from around China and Russia.

3. I will also be participating in a third panel titled: Has the West Succeeded in Demonizing Russia, which will be hosted by RT on June 7th at 10:30AM MSK. I will be speaking alongside Scott Ritter, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Tara Reade and others.

Looking forward to the forum and I hope to meet many of you there!
Forwarded from Eurasia & Multipolarity
What does the St. Petersburg Economic Forum have that is different from the World Economic Forum in Davos?

Is the line of development for the countries of the world globalisation and the destruction of peoples, reducing the world's population to a billion grasshopper-eating slaves with no private property and no family, wandering the world in search of work (WEF), or a world based on the cooperation of equals, where everyone's strengths are valued and respectful help is given to overcome weaknesses (SPIEF)?

Which do you choose?
Forwarded from Geopolitika en español
Seriamos incapaces de comenzar a comprender toda la profundidad de la confrontación actual sin antes realizar una reflexión filosófica. Los filósofos siempre han interpretado la guerra como algo necesario. Heráclito habla de la guerra como el «padre de las cosas»: πόλεμος πάντων μεν πατήρ εστί, πάντων δε βασιλεύς. La guerra siempre ha constituido parte del mundo y del espacio.

✍️ Daria Dugina

🗣 El fenómeno de la guerra: metafísica, ontología, fronteras
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Forwarded from Alexander Dugin
In the critique of historicism and scientism in Popper’s understanding of society, we can see a call for the very same openness that we found in Bergson. In this lies the identity of both philosophers’ theses on the “open society.” But there is an important difference here.

In his approach to science, Popper defends something quite analogous to the “life impulse,” and he rejects prescriptive dogma. On this count, he is consistent. But by transferring this principle onto society and formulating liberal ideology, he runs into a paradox: the refusal to prescribe any ban or restrictions on certain views, of which the essence of classical liberalism consists, imperceptibly turns with Popper into prohibitive measures against those whom he classifies as “enemies of the open society.” It turns out that only he who agrees with the basic principles of liberalism, that is, with its very definite interpretation of freedom, can be free. Whoever thinks otherwise is deliberately placed into the category of those deprived of any rights. Thus, protest against any prescriptiveness and any historicism ends in the harsh directive to follow the norms of liberal ideology, for the latter is seen as the crown of historical progress and development.

@dplat @PRAVPublishing

Excerpt: from Eschatological Optimism by Daria Platonova Dugina
2024/06/02 05:57:36
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