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πŸ‘A path to social safety for migrant workers
🧠Ashif Shaikh
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Hundreds of millions of migrant workers travel within their countries to seek out means of survival β€” often leaving behind all they know for months or even years. Many face poverty and exploitation, and they need a robust social safety net to protect them, says migrant advocate and 2023 Audacious Project grantee Ashif Shaikh. He shares how his grassroots organization Migrants Resilience Collaborative is making life-changing benefits like social security and health care accessible to those who need them while also amplifying migrant voices β€” paving the way towards a world that supports the workers actually building it. (This ambitious idea is a part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)
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#social_change #business #immigration #refugees

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πŸ‘Dear fellow refugees, here's how I found resilience
🧠Chantale Zuzi Leader
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Chantale Zuzi Leader is one of the millions of displaced people around the world. In a deeply moving talk, she reflects on losing her family, home and sense of safety β€” only to break through and ultimately find community and hope. It's an astounding story of resilience that speaks to today's refugee crisis.
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#refugees #community #war #violence #social_change #human_rights

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πŸ‘What causes addiction, and why is it so hard to treat?
🧠Judy Grisel
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£As of 2021, more than 36 million people were estimated to be experiencing substance use disorder. This condition spans a spectrum of patterned drug use that causes issues in a person’s life, with substance addiction at the more severe end. Why are some people more susceptible to addiction, and why can it be so difficult to treat? Judy Grisel takes a look at how addictive drugs affect the body. [Directed by Gabriella Marsh, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by AndrΓ© Aires].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #addiction #drugs #human_body #brain #science

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πŸ‘3 ways to use AI without replacing your coworkers
🧠Madison Mohns
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£As companies introduce AI into the workplace to increase productivity, an uncomfortable paradox is emerging: people are often responsible for training the very systems that might displace them. AI ethics advocate Madison Mohns presents three leadership principles to embrace technological progress while prioritizing your coworkers' well-being β€” paving the way for a future where AI enhances human potential.
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#AI #ethics #work #computers #machine_learning

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πŸ‘The underground cities of the Byzantine Empire
🧠Veronica Kalas
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£The breathtaking geological formations of Cappadocia are one of the most astonishing landscapes on Earth. Also known as β€œfairy chimneys,” this impressive terrain hides an equally remarkable feat of pre-modern engineering: a network of extensive underground cities stretching deep below the surface. Who inhabited these cities, and why? Veronica Kalas uncovers the secrets of this buried history. [Directed by Serin Δ°nan, Tolga YΔ±ldΔ±z, Kozmonot Animation Studio, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Tolga YΔ±ldΔ±z].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #history #culture #architecture #archaeology #art #religion

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πŸ‘How business leaders can renew democracy
🧠Daniella Ballou-Aares
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£How much should business leaders speak out about threats to democracy? It's a question many corporations are wrestling with these days. Business and democracy leader Daniella Ballou-Aares shows why companies have both the ability and the responsibility to engage in protecting elections and the rule of law β€” and why their bottom lines may depend on doing so.
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#democracy #business #leadership #social_change #politics #government #policy

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πŸ‘How to choose clothes for longevity, not the landfill
🧠Diarra Bousso
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Buying cheap clothing online can be satisfying, but it comes with not-so-hidden environmental costs. When designer Diarra Bousso was growing up in Senegal, her family bought and created new outfits for longevity rather than on impulse β€” an intention she carries forth in her fashion tech brand. Outlining three sustainable principles, including crowdsourcing designs and limiting excess inventory, Bousso shows it's possible to decrease waste while increasing profit β€” and shares how to apply this wisdom across the fashion industry.
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#climate_change #fashion #environment #innovation #sustainability

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πŸ‘AI and the paradox of self-replacing workers
🧠Madison Mohns
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£As companies introduce AI into the workplace to increase productivity, an uncomfortable paradox is emerging: people are often responsible for training the very systems that might displace them. AI ethics advocate Madison Mohns presents three leadership principles to embrace technological progress while prioritizing your coworkers' well-being β€” paving the way for a future where AI enhances human potential.
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#AI #ethics #work #computers #machine_learning

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πŸ‘3 steps to better connect with your fellow humans
🧠Amber Cabral
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£How can you effectively support people at work and in your community, especially when they're different from you? Inclusion strategist Amber Cabral shares three steps you can take to build connection β€” emphasizing that even small, everyday actions can make a big difference to those around you.
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#communication #personal_growth #community #social_change #culture #business #work #diversity #inclusion

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πŸ‘Your invitation to help build a sustainable future
🧠Jim Snabe
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£"If we want to avoid a climate disaster, we need much more radical leadership," says Jim Snabe, who knows a thing or two about leadership as chairman of the world's largest maritime shipping company. In a stirring talk, he encourages companies to take big, bold actions to tackle climate change β€” and invites anyone to join the TED Future Forum, a new initiative focused on the role of business in advancing solutions to the climate crisis.
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#climate_change #innovation #leadership #Countdown

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πŸ‘What Earth in 2050 could look like
🧠Shannon Odell
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£While we’re already feeling the devastating effects of human-caused climate change, governments continue to fall short on making and executing emissions pledges that would help thwart further warming. So, what will our world look like in the next 30 to 80 years, if we continue on the current path? Shannon Odell offers a glimpse at Earth's possible future. [Directed by Sofia Pashaei, narrated by Christina Greer, music by Stephen LaRosa].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #climate_change #global_issues #nature #natural_disaster #natural_resources #fossil_fuels

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πŸ‘The human cost of coal mining in China
🧠Xiaojun "Tom" Wang
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Xiaojun "Tom" Wang grew up in the Chinese province of Shanxi, the world's largest coal producer. Each year, more than a billion tons of coal are dug out of Shanxi's mountains, and the impacts are devastating β€” from massive landslides to damaged cultural sites and threats to human health. Wang illuminates the need for sustainable alternatives to protect the environment and ancestral homes, underscoring the rich heritage and untapped potential of provinces like his own.
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#Countdown #innovation #death #family #china #culture #energy #climate_change #history

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πŸ‘How to live with economic doomsaying
🧠Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Economic crises can and do happen. But for every true crisis, there are many false alarms, says economist Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak. He explains how to live with the media's pervasive economic doomsaying, why we should stop treating financial forecasts like a precise science β€” and what we should embrace instead.
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#economics #finance #business #global_issues #media #journalism #money

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πŸ‘Let your garden grow wild
🧠Rebecca McMackin
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Many gardeners work hard to maintain clean, tidy environments ... which is the exact opposite of what wildlife wants, says ecological horticulturist Rebecca McMackin. She shows the beauty of letting your garden run wild, surveying the success she's had increasing biodiversity even in the middle of New York City β€” and offers tips for cultivating a garden that can be home to birds, bees, butterflies and more.
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#nature #wildlife #environment #animals #gardening #climate_change #plants #ecology #biodiversity

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πŸ‘A comedian's take on how to save democracy
🧠Jordan Klepper
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Conversation is a battlefield with only one winner. Or is it? Comedian and author Jordan Klepper believes we can get better at talking to each other (and perhaps save democracy) by learning how to lose.
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#communication #politics #democracy #comedy #social_change

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πŸ‘This person isn't actually screaming
🧠Noah Charney
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£An undulating sky melds into the landscape, two silhouettes move along a balustraded walkway, and a ghostly figure’s features extend in agony. Since Norwegian artist Edvard Munch created "The Scream" in 1893, it’s become one of the world’s most famous artworks. But why has its cry traveled so far and endured so long? Noah Charney shares the inspiration behind the dramatic and haunting masterpiece. [Directed by Martina MeΕ‘troviΔ‡, narrated by Jack Cutmore-Scott, music by Hrvoje NikΕ‘iΔ‡].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #art #painting

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πŸ‘A futuristic vision for Latin America, rooted in ancient design
🧠Catalina Lotero
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£What would Latin America look like if colonization hadn't interrupted its ancient civilizations? Imagining a future where ancestral knowledge intertwines with modern aesthetics, designer Catalina Lotero shows how "pre-Columbian futurism" draws inspiration from Indigenous symbolism and technology β€” empowering Latin America to reclaim lost cultural narratives.
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#design #art #culture #history #future

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πŸ‘What is earwax β€” and should you get rid of it?
🧠Henry Ou
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English | πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡·Turkish

πŸ‘£Grooming paraphernalia has been found in numerous archeological sites, many of which have included earwax removal tools. And earwax evacuation remains a popular hygienic habit today. But what is earwax? And are the efforts to eliminate it actually good for us? Henry C. Ou explores the important role earwax plays in our health. [Directed by Yuriy Polyashko, Max Zaglotskyi, Darvideo Animation Studio, narrated by Adrian Dannatt, music by Jarrett Farkas].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #human_body #health #health_care #hearing

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πŸ‘The true story behind the legend of the 47 Rōnin
🧠Adam Clulow
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£Asano Naganori, lord of Akō domain, fixed his gaze on Kira Yoshinaka, a senior master of ceremony. Asano extended his short sword, charged through the castle, and struck Kira. While the wound wasn’t fatal, its consequences would be. What brought about this violent quarrel? And what would come of Asano and his samurai? Adam Clulow shares the legend of the 47 Rōnin and their quest for revenge. [Directed by Arvind Singh Jeena, Anantha Krishnan, Totem Creative, narrated by Jack Cutmore-Scott, music by Salil Bhayani, cAMP Studio].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #history #culture #war

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πŸ‘Does math have a major flaw?
🧠Jacqueline Doan and Alex Kazachek
πŸ—£Subtitle: πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§English

πŸ‘£A mathematician with a knife and ball begins slicing and distributing the ball into an infinite number of boxes. She then recombines the parts into five precise sections. Moving and rotating these sections around, she recombines them to form two identical, flawless, and complete copies of the original ball. How is this possible? Jacqueline Doan and Alex Kazachek explore the Banach-Tarski paradox. [Directed by Mads LundgΓ₯rd, narrated by Addison Anderson, music by Salil Bhayani, cAMP Studio].
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#TED_Ed #education #animation #math #history

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2024/06/20 14:46:54
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