Telegram Web
​​Now a days, ReactJs is widely used View library worldwide. So it becomes very important to apply best architecture practices to make code reusable, maintainable and also it would help to improve code readability.

⏱️ 8 minutes read

​​Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the last two years, you’ve probably heard the magic words β€œconcurrent rendering” here and there. React was rewritten from scratch to support it, it’s an entirely new architecture that gives us control over transitions through useTransition and useDeferredValue hooks, and it's supposed to be a game changer for the performance of our UI interactions. Even Vercel is improving their performance with transitions.

⏱️ 11 minutes read

​​Discover the latest trending technologies in web application development and find advice on what tech stack is better to choose for your business growth.

⏱️ 10 minutes read

​​We’re working on Wasp - a full-stack web framework built on React, Node.js, and Prisma. Since GPT came out, we wondered if we could use it to make building web apps even faster. That led us to MAGE - a GPT-powered web app generator that can create a full-stack codebase based on a short description.

⏱️ 9 minutes read

#ai #react
​​If you messed around with CSS for long enough, chances are you've tried at least once to make a transition from height: 0 to auto... only to find out that it doesn't work!

⏱️ 4 minutes read

​​In the digital realm, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the unsung heroes that enable seamless communication between different software applications. Let's embark on a journey to demystify APIs, exploring their essence from the ground up.

⏱️ 5 minutes read

​​As developers, you’ve undoubtedly encountered the term β€˜Design Patterns.’ This isn’t just a word to glance over; it’s a key to unlocking a realm of coding mastery. These varied and diverse patterns serve as valuable tools in software development, enhancing code organization, maintainability, and scalability.

⏱️ 8 minutes read

​​The micro frontend concept is not new, but the hype isn't over. Think in ye olde jQuery days. In those painful times there was a jQuery plugin for almost anything, and many of us came to think on "What about if we could make an internal (or so) mini application to solve a single requirement, instead of building a whole webapp".

⏱️ 11 minutes read

​​A collaborative document editing service can be designed in two ways…

⏱️ 8 minutes read

​​One of the challenging things in React development is ensuring that the backend response and the component data structure match well.

⏱️ 4 minutes read

#designpattern #react
​​Three years after the initial spark, the Node.JS revolution burns brighter than ever. This JavaScript runtime environment, renowned for its speed, agility, and vibrant ecosystem, has become the go-to weapon for developers crafting the future of the web.

⏱️ 5 minutes read

​​React developers, rejoice! The latest core feature by the React team, React Forget, is here to revolutionize how we write performant React components. With React Forget, developers no longer need to manually use useMemo and useCallback. Instead, this new feature automates memoization in React components, making it easier than ever to write optimized code. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. Letβ€˜s talk about it more.

⏱️ 4 minutes read

​​If you’ve worked on large-scale frontend apps, chances are that you’ve run into issues where you can’t understand your project.

⏱️ 10 minutes read

​​The readme file is the first thing a user will see when viewing your repository. It gives the user an idea of what the project is about, what language was used, what the terms and conditions are, what your project can do, shows screenshots of your running application, etc.

⏱️ 5 minutes read

2024/06/10 22:58:29
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