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Potassium is a metal; bananas have lots of Potassium; therefore, bananas are a pretty metal thing to eat.
You probably did some weird shit in other people's dreams.
Old people are cranky because their friends and family are mostly dead and the world is run by babies.
You can be completely wrong and still win a debate.
The action of doing nothing is impossible
We would probably take better care of ourselves if our body had a detailed organwise health bar.
There is no end to hiccups there's just a long pause.
"You've got some food stuck in there" would sound alright coming from a dentist but not from a gynecologist.
There's no such thing as having no dishwasher. You either have or are one.
The ocean is technically soup. It has meat and veg in a salty broth.
Computers are the only thing where too much heat can cause freezing.
A speed limit is the maximum limit allowed, but everyone treats it as a minimum limit
Somewhere there's a piece of paper that's been in the same printer tray for years because new paper is always loaded on top of it before the paper runs out.
If you organize and manage a marathon but don't participate in it, you still run a marathon
People become better pedestrians after they learn how to drive
Dentists get paid to fix your teeth. Meaning their income depends on people having teeth that need to be fixed. With that in mind, using a toothpaste that 9/10 dentists recommend is probably a bad idea.
Someone once looked at their earlope and thought "I could poke a hole in that"
Marrying a cousin is associated with really high and really low society.
Most of people don’t notice when you do housework, but when you don't do it everybody notices.
Reading comments about a topic you absolutely know about will make you realize how clueless people are and yet they pretend they know a lot.
2024/06/20 16:22:52
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