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Holocaustin Alamariu is so mad at people laughing at his dumb worldview that he is now creating alt accounts to rehash 2012 "new atheist" talking points. We are back at neocon 1.0. Remember Christopher Hitchens? The new atheists were all rabid Zionists...
BAPists Exposed
Holocaustin Alamariu is so mad at people laughing at his dumb worldview that he is now creating alt accounts to rehash 2012 "new atheist" talking points. We are back at neocon 1.0. Remember Christopher Hitchens? The new atheists were all rabid Zionists...…
Nietzsche was the demented "third-worldist" that BAPists accuse others of being. In his book "The Antichrist" he exalts African Muslim Civilisation over European Christian Civilisation.

"Christianity destroyed for us the whole harvest of ancient civilization, and later it also destroyed for us the whole harvest of Mohammedan civilization. The wonderful culture of the Moors in Spain, which was fundamentally nearer to us and appealed more to our senses and tastes than that of Rome and Greece, was trampled down (—I do not say by what sort of feet—) Why? Because it had to thank noble and manly instincts for its origin—because it said yes to life, even to the rare and refined luxuriousness of Moorish life!"


His modern-day BAPist followers are, aptly, mischling/mulatto homosexuals who will also die alone, childless, and because of sexually transmitted diseases...
Account created less than an hour ago. Only follows three accounts, one of which is Costin Alamariu. Instantly retweeted by Bronze Age Pervert 🤔
"Bronze Age Warriors! If something actually happens, just move to Nicaragua and remote work from there, you have to secure your 60K email job. The gay cocktail bars are also very good in Central America."
Why would 7 million Jews abandon Israel if they lose? The most possible scenario is that international pressure eventually forces them towards "South Africanization", where palestinians from gaza and the west bank are given the same "rights", and in the case of jews they wouldn't be a minority (this could soon change, however), like it is the case with the heavily dispossessed afrikaners. Why would Jews ever abandon their holy land? Why do you even care about what happens to them?

Anyway, your line of argument completely misses the point of what makes israel and the jewish question exceptional.

Israel is not just another state, it is the host "nation", the Sicily, where the International Jewish Mafia has its home. From Israel, their settlers and their well-connected diaspora can collaborate to extract tremendous amounts of wealth they simply couldn't obtain in Israel. American Jewish billionaires, the ones who control the media, the investment banks and other businesses with their access to the US nation, are richer than Israelis can ever dream to be and are one of the reasons why Israel has an advantage over the rest of its neighbors (enemies) in terms of foreign investments and technology. Thus, the relationship between Israel and the United States (and its sphere of influence) goes beyond the obvious security concerns that Israel has, which are also an existential imperative to them.

It is also not just the western pro-immigration NGOs that are Jewish, the whole structure of the post-WWII world is jewish and is codified by international and increasingly by national laws to strictly follow jewish concerns. All western institutions have become "jewish", they all believe in jewish narratives, they all have laws that protect jews to the exclusion of all others, and they are unable to imagine the west being ruled in another way because they all share a jewish hatred of their past. This has even happened to religious institutions that were hostile to jews until the 1960s and 1970s. The moral dissolution has been pushed by jewish institutional and economic power to encompass all parts of society.

This is why there is never going to be any progress until any of this is addressed. The National Conservative and other Zionist puppets like Javier Milei are throwing a bone to the already heavily deracinated west but the international Jewry that promotes politicians like him doesn't have the intention of turning back the clock on things like "migrant and asylum" rights, sodomy rights, hate speech laws, or decades of millions of "legal" immigrants who have already "assimilated."

Thus, the only alternative that seems logical is to support those who fight the jewish worldview, who don't uphold these jewish laws, who don't believe jewish narratives...and not to celebrate those who are so cowardly and foolish to think that they can work with this jewish mafia or be ambivalent to it.

Sometimes this leads to supporting questionable actors as a weapon against the jews, an act that is met with pearl-clutching from those who are endlessly worried by how those actors "think" of whites: "But the Palestinians see the jews as white colonists. They are like BLM! Support Israel they are white." WHO CARES what middle-eastern arabs thinks? Most importantly, who cares what internet Zionists think? Israel's enemies are fighting my enemy, I hope they hurt them as much as they can.
BAPists Exposed
Why would 7 million Jews abandon Israel if they lose? The most possible scenario is that international pressure eventually forces them towards "South Africanization", where palestinians from gaza and the west bank are given the same "rights", and in the case…
Part 2:

By the way, like BAP in the last couple of days, you are fedjacketing your opponents with baseless accusations. You also attack Thomas777 with baseless accusations. Are you friends with BAP now? Are you also a serial liar who changes his opinion every month and fabricates nonsense about his enemies?

Instead of being worried about "being associated" with nonsense, I would be more worried about being associated with faux politicians who don't fix any of our problems, like Milei and Meloni.
Instead of utter disgust, the reaction from the BAPist cohort and their Zionist think tank friends to the systemic humiliation of Western History is laughter. Some even say, like jew Bill Kristol, that this is "ironic."

The Zionists who control Italy project the Israeli flag into the Arch of Titus, a monument that to them represents a vestige of eternal "antisemitism", as a humiliation ritual against us.

I hope supporting "National Conservative" governments controlled and promoted by the Zionists was worth it. "Yes, Meloni, Zemmour and Milei are rabid Zionists but maybe they will cut illegal immigration by 30%, maybe we can work with them..."

If you support these people, you are a T-R-A-I-T-O-R to your ancestors.
Trillions spent on wars to protect the Jewish heimat; our free speech decimated by hate speech laws that codify criticism of Israel as antisemitism; our entire political class focused on their neuroses while they always act in international matters exclusively for themselves...yet you don't understand why opposing Israel will change anything. Obviously, you have to make the clownish maximalist case of 7 million Israelis flooding into the West if they lose to better lie to yourself.

You make the same defeatist argument as the BAPists: "Zionism is actually good because that way jews have a place to call home. That will make them less annoying than being a diaspora. Plus, I have better things to think about."

Instead, this is the opposite of the truth: there hasn't been any trade-offs. They've shaped our right wing into liberal race-blindess, secularism and zealous worship of their homeland. Our political parties are focused on serving them and their ethnostate, not us. What we are seeing these days is a perfect encapsulation of this point.
I am in awe of the libertarian psychopath that Keith Woods debated on this stream. The guy is a fan of Ayn Rand, who, in a very fashionable Jewish-Libertarian way, makes a comparison between the Israel-Palestine situation and what happened centuries ago when we Europeans colonized America. To him, Middle Eastern arabs are like Sioux Chief Red Cloud or Moctezuma.

He claims that, because of this, anything that Israel does is justified, including the death of millions, total disregard for "international law," and the employment of weapons of mass destruction. He got all of this from Rand, who actually expressed the exact same view in a Phil Donahue interview. Also, (((Leonard Peikoff))), Ayn Rand's designated successor, is famous for calling for the nuking of Iran as a moral imperative from a Libertarian point of view of "self-interest."

This Jewish supremacist lie about Jews as a vehicle for knowledge and progress is the great modern-day delusion that most western well-off Jews believe about themselves, they actually think that Jews were the drivers of the enlightenment and modernity for centuries and were hated by the "reactionary nazis" for it, when in reality, just a century ago, most of them were serfs living in ghettos, like the pale of settlement established in 1791 by Russian Empress Catherine the Great. Many Jews, in fact, continue to live this way, like the Israeli Haredi Jews who have more than 10 children on average, live on welfare and refuse to join the Israeli military.

If we follow this guy's randian philosophy to its logical conclusion, the Tsar of Russia should have eradicated millions of pale of settlement Jews because they didn't seem to produce anything of value for the Russian Empire; they were extremely backward people with arcane religious practices and parochial ways of life. Additionally, it is said that they were involved in the assassination of Tsar Alexander II. In that case, Ayn Rand, a Russian Jewess, wouldn't have been born.

Perhaps, in this way, the Russian communist revolution of 1917 could have been avoided...
Some people were deceived by some pictures of women and ambiguous jokes and believed that this guy likes pussy.

Thank you Thuletide for helping me reach 1,000 followers. I'm so happy. If I could use a metric to rate my happiness, I would say that it is at the level of 10/10 Mileis.
2024/06/20 19:10:54
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